Patient Records Appointments

by TapMedical


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"Patient Records Appointments" is intended to help health professionals keep track of their patients...

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"Patient Records Appointments" is intended to help health professionals keep track of their patients. The app provides a number of features which makes the way we store and retrieve data smarter than ever.Why buy this App?
> Materially Designed > Backup/Restore Complete Data to Local SDCard or Google Drive (No other app provides that)> Get Notified about Appointments at the specified time (No need to check the app again)> Save Snapshots of Documents which get attached to patient record, Review, Pinch Zoom them later within the App (No need to open any other app)> Restrict access to App with a Password (All Documents and Data are kept away from eyes of others)> Advanced Search/Sort
The app provides the user with an easy to use interface where the user can :
1. Add Appointment : The user can add an appointment it has with a patient at a future date and time. The App will notify the user of the appointment before the specified date and time. The notify period can be adjusted according to user's needs.
2. Add Record : Besides saving appointments, the app enables the user to save information/records of patients for reviewing later.
3. Add Document : The user has the convenience of taking a snapshot of the Patient Medical Record/Pages with the device Camera and saving it along the Patient information. The document is tagged with the appropriate patient and never showed in the gallery. The user can watch all the documents in the Patient Record, pinch, zoom, switch between documents.
4. Lock App : The App has inbuilt password based lock that will help the user to keep all his data away from the eyes of others. It adds a layer of protection where no other than the user will have access to the app, the Patient Medical Records snaps will never be shown in the gallery.
5. Backup/Restore : This feature is one of the best features of this app, the whole data (appointments and records+documents pictures) can be backed up either to a local directory (SD Card) or to the user's Google Drive Account. So the user will have never to loose any data if the phone crashes or damaged or the user changes his phone. The user can simply restore the data from his Google Drive account(if he has made a backup before) by selecting any previous backup file.
6. Search/Sort : The user has the ability to search any patient record or appointment from their list by entering partial data in any of the fields. User can search based on name, date, disease or Id of patient. Sort feature works similar but it will sort the complete list based on name, disease, date or id , in ascending or descending order as chosen. The user can reset the data by clicking the reset button on the dialog below.
7. Call/SMS/Email : The user can call or sms or email the patient by selecting the appropriate record or appointment and choosing the appropriate floating expanded button. The common keywords will be already hardwired which will save the user with typing the content.
8. Edit/Delete : The user has the obvious features of editing or deleting any appointment or patient record.
If you face any issues or want to suggest a feature, please drop an email at [email protected]